Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me looking a little stupid...

In case by some miracle someone reads this who isn't related to my school, this video is part of an assignment for a class called Personal Political. I don't normally post videos of myself doing random things online.

Overall, I think that I look pretty stupid in this video. Of course, that's only because it's one-sided. If you could see the game that I'm playing you'd think that I'm seriously overreacting, but not necessarily that I look ridiculous. It's the same thing when someone gasps or laughs at something they just read in a book, or something to the effect.

People often talk about how it's common for someone to do activities like this a lot themself, but then not want their children to do it. Honestly, if I had a child, I wouldn't mind them doing the activities that I do as much as I do them. As long as they don't prioritize entertainment over things like education, I really don't mind. I think that games like this (I'm playing a game called Loco Roco by the way, about a bouncing fruit) are some of the less constructive digitalized activities, but I personally don't play them that often (that PSP is my friend's).

The contrast between myself and what's going on in the videogame is pretty stark. For most people though, I think it's even sharper. Since I don't play often I tend to massively overreact to what's happening on the screen, tilting my body in the direction that I want the character to go and screaming at the PSP (I actually did it less in the video than I normally do). Therefore, I think I have more apparent 'integration' with the game than most people. Somebody who plays the game more often would probably react less.

With games like the Wii, or the new Natal that Windows is coming out with, the situation is only slightly different. You're up and moving, so in a video like this there's no risk of looking like a zombie. On the other hand though, there's still the same one-sided integration.


  1. Remy…
    I like how you are honest throughout your post about how you feel like you are looking stupid in your video. I thought the same about my video as well. If you have a child in the future you will not mind having them spend the same amount of time on electronics like you would. I agree, after looking at you playing on the PSP, it seems like you do not use it often, but decided to use it for your video. I think that there are many parents out there that don’t care about how much time they spend on digital/electronic products; but they should not put it before their education.
    It seems like now a days kids have to use these products to do their homework. They use their computers to do their research or type up a paper, and cell phones to text or call friends if they are stuck on a math problem. I know I am one of these people.
    I feel like in your video you are not very natural at what you are doing; you are just doing it to do the work. I feel like I wasn’t that great at it either, I may be being hypocritical here but it was sort of uncomfortable to watch your video. For your next video project you should pretend that you are not doing this for an assignment, rather than doing it for fun I guess.
    I agree with you, if I have any kids then I would let them spend their time using electronics, but I would not let this affect their education. It was interesting to watch your video and read your thoughts.
    Amber M.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I like how you pointed out what we had in common, it made me feel like you really connected with my post.

    Thank you for pointing out how my video looks a little forced, I hadn't really noticed (but I agree). In the future I will try not to do things for the benefit of the camera anymore (like the little dance; there was music but I was mostly doing it because I thought it would be weird to just sit still on camera).

    I found it interesting that you brought up how nowadays technology is necessary for normal life. I was interested in this in your original post as well. It's strange how we kind of lump technology together like this though- we're talking how we need to use computers for research and schoolwork and such, but we started by talking about playing with PSPs.

    Overall, we seem to mostly agree. We both like this technology, and wouldn't mind our future kids using it as long as it doesn't interfere with their education. We also agree that technology in general is becoming something necessary to lead a normal life.
