Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A cool outline

My thesis or central idea is that the human desire to fit in is rooted far more deeply in the human mental state than we are consciously aware of.
-how people typically think of the desire to fit in (It is important to fit in, but to look like you're not trying (Jacob's blog, HW 25 pt 2 paragraph 4)
-but in fact the instinct to fit in is far more fundamental to us than we may realize (mention points)
Body 1:
-THE WAVE (article)
++with only the presence of a strong leader and a devoted social group, a school full of typical high-school students were transformed into fascist soldiers in just four days. The sense of belonging and purpose the movement offered them was overwhelming, and they were unable to think poorly of the experiment despite the fact that they were suddenly going against everything that they were conceptually committed to.
Body 2:
-THE BYSTANDER EFFECT (where there's smoke, there's (sometimes) fire)
++despite the presence of something considered by 75% of people with no outside influence to be potentially dangerous and worth reporting, the overwhelming majority of people could be convinced that it is not worth paying attention to merely by the presence of two other people who do not seem to care about it.
-Why do we do it?
++Evolution (capuchins and the chameleon effect)

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